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Minor Surgery for Migraine Headaches

by Chad Kiser

All sorts of pharmaceuticals and other treatments are available today to treat or stop migraine headaches. Some of the drugs can eliminate a headaches in a few minutes while others are taken regularly for prevention purposes. There are also many other non invasive treatments available including using heat, ice, magnets, aromas and even massage.
The latest weapon against migraine is surgery. This is not a new procedure and has been used in facial plastic surgery for some time now. This surgery has only recently been initiated in the US and involves removing the corrugator muscle found above the eyebrows. The overall ideas is that the procedure will eliminate migraines because it will get rid of the muscle that is causing the problems. This is an extremely drastic and radical approach to traditional treatment against debilitating migraines.
The surgery targets the trigger point where migraine headaches usually begin. The pressure will be removed once the muscle is eliminated which should alleviate pain. This procedure does not help all migraines. It will only work for corrugator muscle triggered migraines and the specific nerve group in the head. The doctor will screen the patient to see if his or her migraines are caused by this trigger and if so he or she will be eligible for the procedure.
It is important to understand that though the surgery eliminates the trigger and therefore the pain, it does not remove or cure the root cause of migraines. Although the pain and symptoms are gone the root problem may still exist and might need to be addressed by the patient.
Tumors, high blood pressure, aneurysm, stroke and heart problems are some of the health issues linked to migraines. Whether the patient decides to pursue surgery or not, there should be close consultation with one's doctor for determining the cause of the migraine.
This exciting procedure is welcome news to many migraine sufferers. All patients must research and study the consequence of the surgical procedure. Surgery is an extremely invasive procedure and is best avoided if not necessary. If indeed surgery will make the sufferer's life quality better then it would be worth the risk, so that they can live as normally as possible.
It is a good idea to discuss all treatment choices with your doctor before making any decisions regarding surgery.

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